Thursday, 29 January 2009

..ever felt dry, as if in a desert deep in your heart.. well, you are right on track..!!

God-Inspired Delays

John 11:6 
Yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days.

Delays in our life are not always easy to handle or to reconcile in our minds. Often, when God does not answer our prayers in the time that we feel He should, we appoint all sorts of characteristics to God's nature that imply He does not care. Such was the case with Lazarus' sisters when Lazarus became ill and died. Jesus was a close friend to Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha. (Mary, you may recall, was the woman who came and poured perfume on Jesus' feet.) When Jesus arrived two days later, Martha shamed Him by saying, "If You had come he would not have died." She implied that He didn't care enough to come when sent for. It was a matter of priorities for Jesus, not lack of love.

God often has to delay His work in us in order to accomplish something for His purposes that can be achieved only in the delay. Jesus had to let Lazarus die in order for the miracle that was about to take place to have its full effect. If Jesus had simply healed a sick man, the impact of the miracle would not have been as newsworthy as resurrecting a man who had been dead for four days. This is Jesus' greatest "public relations act" of His whole ministry. What many do not realize is that the key to the whole story is in the next chapter.

Many people, because they had heard that He had given this miraculous sign, went out to meet Him. So the Pharisees said to one another, "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after Him!" (John 12:18-19)

If Jesus had not raised Lazarus from the dead, there would have been no crowds to cheer the Lord when He came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey.

God often sets the stage so that His glory is revealed through the events that He orchestrates. He did this with Moses and Pharaoh, allowing delay after delay for release of the Israelites from Egypt. He did this with Abraham and Sarah for the promised child, Isaac. God granted Sarah a baby past the age of childbearing in order to demonstrate His power.

God did this in my own life. He delayed the fulfillment of what I believed He called me to do for several years. But the delays provided the necessary preparation and greater glory that God was to receive. My friend, don't take the delays lightly. Do not faint as God places you in what seems to be a holding pattern. God is at work. God knows the purposes for His delays. Don't give up, for they are for His greater glory; so we need to remain faithful.

If you have an important message to convey to someone, what is the best means of getting the message through? Have you ever tried to talk with someone who was so busy you could not get him to hear you? Distractions prevent us from giving our undivided attention to the messenger. So too, God has His way of taking us aside to get our undivided attention. For Paul, it was Arabia for three years; for Moses, it was 40 years in the desert; for Joseph, it was 13 years in Egypt; for David, it was many years of fleeing from King Saul.

God knows the stubborn human heart. He knows that if He is to accomplish His deepest work, He must take us into the desert in order to give us the privilege to be used in His Kingdom. In the desert God changes us and removes things that hinder us. He forces us to draw deep upon His grace. The desert is only a season in our life. When He has accomplished what He wants in our lives in the desert, He will bring us out. He has given us a mission to fulfill that can only be fulfilled after we have spent adequate time in preparation in the desert. Fear not the desert, for it is there you will hear God's voice like never before. It is here you become His bride. It is here you will have the idols of your life removed. It is here you begin to experience the reality of a living God like never before. Someone once said, "God uses enlarged trials to produce enlarged saints so He can put them in enlarged places!"

He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me (2 Samuel 22:20).

Monday, 5 January 2009

.. holy of holy , name above all names..

Am quoting the following from what I have read in Fr. Paul O' Sullivan’s book "The wonders of the holy name". I know not the legalities of posting a part from it here, but then I couldn’t hold myself from doing so, as I found it more than worthwhile to read and understand and co-operate with most powerful army that the world has “mostly” ignored and not seen.


In his book, he writes about the powerful name of Jesus.

The following is from Chapter 9.


“The Angels are our dearest and best friends and are most ready and able to help us in every difficulty and danger. It is most regrettable that many Catholics do not know, love and ask the Angels for help. The easiest way to do so is to say the Name of Jesus in their honor. This gives them the greatest joy. They in return will help us in all our troubles and keep us safe from many dangers. Let us say the Name of Jesus in honor of all the Angels, but especially in honor of our dear Guardian Angel, who loves us so much.


Our sweet Lord is present in millions of consecrated Hosts in the countless Catholic churches of the world. During many hours of the busy day and during the long nights, He is forgotten and left alone.


We can do much to console and comfort Him by saying,

“My Jesus, I love and adore Thee in all the consecrated hosts of the world, and I thank Thee with all my heart for remaining on all the altars of the world for love of us.”

Then say twenty, fifty or more times the Name of Jesus with this intention.


We may do most perfect penance for our sins by offering the Passion and Blood of Jesus many times each day for this intention. The precious blood purifies our souls and raises us to a high degree of holiness. It is all so easy! We have only to repeat lovingly, joyfully, reverently, “JESUS, JESUS, JESUS...”




Reuters US: Oddly Enough News