5:8. Blessed are the clean of heart: they shall see God.
Beati mundo corde quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt
5:9. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called
the children of God.
Beati pacifici quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur
5:10. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iustitiam quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
Sometimes, am so madly in love with Papa and all our family, but then am working towards unleashing myself to the farthest extent possible to Pa. We all need to stand firm in this battlefield in which jesus has already won the fight. Then we all shall be in a stage to see things in a much more elevated position and say I love you always Papa, the world is far down there, away from me. I am not able to fully pen in this post the feelings that I go through while contemplating on the same. I used to write down the verses from the bible. Sometimes I have felt like the spirit guiding me through the pages, and give me those words that will fill me with wisdom and which will fuel my life to achieve its best. At times the word have been indeed a real double edged sword.
St.Pauls letter to the Romans
8:13. For if you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the Spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live.
Si enim secundum carnem vixeritis moriemini si autem Spiritu facta carnis mortificatis vivetis
8:14. For whosoever are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Quicumque enim Spiritu Dei aguntur hii filii sunt Dei
8:15. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again in fear: but you have received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry: Abba (Father).
Non enim accepistis spiritum servitutis iterum in timore sed accepistis Spiritum adoptionis filiorum in quo clamamus Abba Pater
8:16. For the Spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit that we are the sons of God.*
Ipse Spiritus testimonium reddit spiritui nostro quod sumus filii Dei
8:17. And if sons, heirs also; heirs indeed of God and joint heirs with Christ: yet so, if we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him.
Si autem filii et heredes heredes quidem Dei coheredes autem Christi si tamen conpatimur ut et conglorificemur
"And if sons, heirs also; heirs indeed of God and joint heirs with Christ" - that was where my
joy was put to test. " if and only if you are called to be his sons shall you enjoy all the benefits"
But then the light that gives hope to our life was the verse before that, the spirit will plea for us, will give us the light and say to papa that we are his children.
St. Apollinaris *
(1st century)
According to tradition, St. Peter sent Apollinaris to Ravenna, Italy, as its first bishop. His preaching of the Good News was so successful that the pagans there beat him and drove him from the city. He returned, however, and was exiled a second time. After preaching in the area surrounding Ravenna, he entered the city again. After being cruelly tortured, he was put on a ship heading to Greece. Pagans there caused him to be expelled to Italy, where he went to Ravenna for a fourth time. He died from wounds received during a savage beating at Classis, a suburb of Ravenna. A beautiful basilica honoring him was built there in the sixth century.
Following Jesus involves risks sometimes the supreme risk of life itself. Martyrs are people who would rather accept the risk of death than deny the cornerstone of their whole life: faith in Jesus Christ. Everyone will die eventually the persecutors and those persecuted. The question is what kind of a conscience people will bring before the Lord for judgment. Remembering the witness of past and present martyrs can help us make the often-small sacrifices that following Jesus today may require.
During his remarks prior to the Regina Caeli on May 7, 2000, Pope John Paul II noted that later that day at Rome's Colosseum he would participate in an ecumenical service honoring 20th-century martyrs. He said, it is the same paschal light that shines in them. Indeed, it is from Christ's resurrection that the disciples receive the strength to follow the Master in their hour of trial. What the pope said of those martyrs is true of all martyrs for Christ, including today's saint.
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"So reach out and welcome one another to God's glory. Jesus did it; now you do it!" (Romans 15:7)
Today's Word You can get along with anyone you want to get along with! It's possible to live peacefully because every person in your life right now was put there by God for a reason. Many times that person has strengths that can support your weaknesses. Learn to work together with people that are different than you so that you can fulfill God's greater purposes. Make it a point to study and get to know the people around you. Find out what makes them happy or sad, find some common ground to stand on, and work at getting along. Do your best to live peacefully with everyone that God has put in your life.
A Prayer for Today
God, thank you for blessing me with wonderful people who can strengthen me and sharpen me, as I try to do the same for them. I will seek to live peacefully with everyone around me, because that is what You have called me to do. Thank you for giving me the perfect example of how I can live this life with others. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thank you, God bless.
With lots of love and prayers.
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