.. it is quiet conspicuous that all human beings, this genius work of God - Mankind, has been created flawless. Papa in his own 'image' created us, he thinks so do we, he loves so do we, he cares do we..?
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
The drunken oath of a king with a shallow sense of honor, a seductive dance and the hateful heart of a queen combined to bring about the martyrdom of John the Baptist. The greatest of prophets suffered the fate of so many Old Testament prophets before him: rejection and martyrdom. The voice crying in the desert did not hesitate to accuse the guilty, did not hesitate to speak the truth. But why? What possesses a man that he would give up his very life?
This great religious reformer was sent by God to prepare the people for the Messiah. His vocation was one of selfless giving. The only power that he claimed was the Spirit of Yahweh. I am baptizing you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I. I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11). Scripture tells us that many people followed John looking to him for hope, perhaps in anticipation of some great messianic power. John never allowed himself the false honor of receiving these people for his own glory. He knew his calling was one of preparation. When the time came, he led his disciples to Jesus: The next day John was there again with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, Behold, the Lamb of God. The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus (John 1:35-37). It is John the Baptist who has pointed the way to Christ. John's life and death were a giving over of self for God and other people. His simple style of life was one of complete detachment from earthly possessions. His heart was centered on God and the call that he heard from the Spirit of God speaking to his heart. Confident of God's grace, he had the courage to speak words of condemnation or repentance, of salvation.
Each of us has a calling to which we must listen. No one will ever repeat the mission of John, and yet all of us are called to that very mission. It is the role of the Christian to witness to Jesus. Whatever our position in this world, we are called to be disciples of Christ. By our words and deeds others should realize that we live in the joy of knowing that Jesus is Lord. We do not have to depend upon our own limited resources, but can draw strength from the vastness of Christ's saving grace.
So they came to John and said to him, Rabbi, the one who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you testified, here he is baptizing and everyone is coming to him. John answered and said, No one can receive anything except what has been given him from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said [that] I am not the Messiah, but that I was sent before him. The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the best man, who stands and listens for him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete. He must increase; I must decrease (John 3:26–30).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." (Matthew 5:9)
Today's WordLet's spend our time building people up, not tearing them down! God says that when you honor others, you will receive honor. Bless others, and you will be blessed. If we allow strife and conflict into our relationships, those valuable connections will be damaged. Making peace takes time; it's something we have to work at each day. Here's one idea to get you started. When you begin to feel tension and strife enter a conversation, stop for a moment . . . take a deep breath and consider the path you are taking. The Bible encourages us to "hold every thought captive" (2 Corinthians 10:5). Maybe you need to walk away for a minute -- take a break and come back to it later. Whatever it takes, make the decision to be a peacemaker!
A Prayer for Today
God, thank you for caring so much about me. You have given me the strength to love others and make peace with the people You have put into my life. I commit to be a peacemaker, not a person that stirs up dissention. I pray that my relationships will honor You. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thank you , God bless.
Monday, 27 August 2007
Saint of the Day (August 27, 2007) - St. Monica
The circumstances of St. Monica's life could have made her a nagging wife, a bitter daughter-in-law and a despairing parent, yet she did not give way to any of these temptations. Although she was a Christian, her parents gave her in marriage to a pagan, Patricius, who lived in her hometown of Tagaste in North Africa. Patricius had some redeeming features, but he had a violent temper and was licentious. Monica also had to bear with a cantankerous mother-in-law who lived in her home. Patricius criticized his wife because of her charity and piety, but always respected her. Monica's prayers and example finally won her husband and mother-in-law to Christianity. Her husband died in 371, one year after his Baptism.
Monica had at least three children who survived infancy. The oldest, Augustine, is the most famous. At the time of his father's death, Augustine was 17 and a rhetoric student in Carthage. Monica was distressed to learn that her son had accepted the Manichean heresy and was living an immoral life. For a while, she refused to let him eat or sleep in her house. Then one night she had a vision that assured her Augustine would return to the faith. From that time on she stayed close to her son, praying and fasting for him. In fact, she often stayed much closer than Augustine wanted.
When he was 29, Augustine decided to go to Rome to teach rhetoric. Monica was determined to go along. One night he told his mother that he was going to the dock to say goodbye to a friend. Instead, he set sail for Rome. Monica was heartbroken when she learned of Augustine's trick, but she still followed him. She arrived in Rome only to find that he had left for Milan. Although travel was difficult, Monica pursued him to Milan.
In Milan Augustine came under the influence of the bishop, St. Ambrose, who also became Monica's spiritual director. She accepted his advice in everything and had the humility to give up some practices that had become second nature to her (see Quote, below). Monica became a leader of the devout women in Milan as she had been in Tagaste.
She continued her prayers for Augustine during his years of instruction. At Easter, 387, St. Ambrose baptized Augustine and several of his friends. Soon after, his party left for Africa. Although no one else was aware of it, Monica knew her life was near the end. She told Augustine, Son, nothing in this world now affords me delight. I do not know what there is now left for me to do or why I am still here, all my hopes in this world being now fulfilled. She became ill shortly after and suffered severely for nine days before her death.
Almost all we know about St. Monica is in the writings of St. Augustine, especially his Confessions.
Today, with Internet searches, e-mail shopping and instant credit, we have little patience for things that take time. Likewise, we want instant answers to our prayers. Monica is a model of patience. Her long years of prayer, coupled with a strong, well-disciplined character, finally led to the conversion of her hot-tempered husband, her cantankerous mother-in-law and her brilliant but wayward son, Augustine.
When Monica moved from North Africa to Milan, she found religious practices new to her and also that some of her former customs, such as a Saturday fast, were not common there. She asked St. Ambrose which customs she should follow. His classic reply was: When I am here, I do not fast on Saturday, but I fast when I am in Rome; do the same and always follow the custom and discipline of the Church as it is observed in the particular locality in which you find yourself
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
Saturday, 25 August 2007
why are we so less diligent..
At his coronation as king of France, Louis bound himself by oath to behave as God's anointed, as the father of his people and feudal lord of the King of Peace. Other kings had done the same, of course. Louis was different in that he actually interpreted his kingly duties in the light of faith. After the violence of two previous reigns, he brought peace and justice.
He was crowned king at 12, at his father's death. His mother, Blanche of Castile, ruled during his minority. When he was 19, (and his bride 12) he was married to Marguerite of Provence. It was a loving marriage, though was not without challenge. They had 10 children.
Louis took the cross for a Crusade when he was 30. His army took Damietta on the Nile but not long after, weakened by dysentery and without support, they were surrounded and captured. Louis obtained the release of the army by giving up the city of Damietta in addition to paying a ransom. He stayed in Syria four years.
He deserves credit for extending justice in civil administration. He drew up regulations for his officials which became the first of a series of reform laws. He replaced trial by battle with a form of examination of witnesses and encouraged the beginning of using written records in court.
Louis was always respectful of the papacy, but defended royal interests against the popes and refused to acknowledge Innocent IV's sentence against Emperor Frederick II.
Louis was devoted to his people, founding hospitals, visiting the sick and, like his patron St. Francis, caring even for people with leprosy. (He is one of the patrons of the Secular Franciscan Order.) Louis united France lords and townsfolk, peasants and priests and knights by the force of his personality and holiness. For many years the nation was at peace.
Every day Louis had 13 special guests from among the poor to eat with him, and a large number of poor were served meals near his palace. During Advent and Lent, all who presented themselves were given a meal, and Louis often served them in person. He kept lists of needy people, whom he regularly relieved, in every province of his dominion.
Disturbed by new Muslim advances in Syria, he led another crusade in 1267, at the age of 41. His crusade was diverted to Tunis for his brother's sake. The army was decimated by disease within a month, and Louis himself died on foreign soil at the age of 44. He was canonized 27 years later.
Louis was strong-willed, strong-minded. His word was trusted utterly, and his courage in action was remarkable. What is most remarkable was his sense of respect for anyone with whom he dealt, especially the humble folk of the Lord. To care for his people he built cathedrals, churches, libraries, hospitals and orphanages. He dealt with princes honestly and equitably. He hoped to be treated the same way by the King of Kings, to whom he gave his life, his family and his country.
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"With God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)
Today's Word God promises so many good things for your life, but He wants you to step up and receive them. If you come to Him and claim the blessings and abundance He has offered, then your life will be changed forever. God has all of the power necessary to restore broken families, replace lost trust, and work miraculous acts that no one could expect to see happen. In fact, many families and individuals have been changed by God because of seeds of faithfulness and hope that were planted by people like you! All things are possible with God, and if He is in your life, you can plant seeds that will one day grow and give someone the hope of Jesus! Plant the seed of faithfulness and hope in the kingdom of God and see the impossible things in your life and be a champion.
A Prayer for Today
God, I know that You have the ability to change people through me. Thank You for changing me and giving me the ability to trust You for great things. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thank you, God be with you...
Friday, 24 August 2007
ye..!! we have two Saints..!!
Dear in Christ, if you believe that you are part of the body of Christ and that he is in you, a part of you, through the Eucharist, does it not hurt your body too.. when they are tortured - "... love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you.." But then pa has also said, revenge is mine... lets plea to papa that our world does not plunge into more grave sin and negligence. What if papa asks us, his children, why where they not informed of the truth, the light and the way.. he will scold us for each soul that falls into fire... what do we do, STAND firm in faith, wear the shield and armor, arm yourself with the tools of God. Brethren, we have won this war already, but our enemy is finding all those little chances possible to make all the souls as dirty as possible so that Pa and our family take more pain and trouble to clean us back into shape. We cannot let that happen...
Saint of the Day (August 24, 2007) - St. Bartholomew
In the New Testament, Bartholomew is mentioned only in the lists of the apostles. Some scholars identify him with Nathanael, a man of Cana in Galilee who was summoned to Jesus by Philip. Jesus paid him a great compliment: Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him (John 1:47b). When Nathanael asked how Jesus knew him, Jesus said, I saw you under the fig tree (John 1:48b). Whatever amazing revelation this involved, it brought Nathanael to exclaim, Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel (John 1:49b). But Jesus countered with, Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this (John 1:50b).
Nathanael did see greater things. He was one of those to whom Jesus appeared on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias after his resurrection (see John 21:1-14). They had been fishing all night without success. In the morning, they saw someone standing on the shore though no one knew it was Jesus. He told them to cast their net again, and they made so great a catch that they could not haul the net in. Then John cried out to Peter, It is the Lord.
When they brought the boat to shore, they found a fire burning, with some fish laid on it and some bread. Jesus asked them to bring some of the fish they had caught, and invited them to come and eat their meal. John relates that although they knew it was Jesus, none of the apostles presumed to inquire who he was. This, John notes, was the third time Jesus appeared to the apostles.
Bartholomew or Nathanael? We are confronted again with the fact that we know almost nothing about most of the apostles. Yet the unknown ones were also foundation stones, the 12 pillars of the new Israel whose 12 tribes now encompass the whole earth. Their personalities were secondary (without thereby being demeaned) to their great office of bearing tradition from their firsthand experience, speaking in the name of Jesus, putting the Word made flesh into human words for the enlightenment of the world. Their holiness was not an introverted contemplation of their status before God. It was a gift that they had to share with others. The Good News was that all are called to the holiness of being Christ's members, by the gracious gift of God.
The simple fact is that humanity is totally meaningless unless God is its total concern. Then humanity, made holy with God's own holiness, becomes the most precious creation of God.
Like Christ himself, the apostles were unceasingly bent upon bearing witness to the truth of God. They showed special courage in speaking the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31) before the people and their rulers. With a firm faith they held that the gospel is indeed the power of God unto salvation for all who believe.... They followed the example of the gentleness and respectfulness of Christ (Declaration on Religious Freedom, 11).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"In humility consider others better than yourselves." (Philippians 2:3)
Today's Word You can improve your relationship with anyone, a child, neighbor or even your boss! It starts with creating an atmosphere of peace in your relationships. Sometimes we feel we just can't get along with certain people. But God puts us with people who are different from us on purpose. They have a lot to give us if we'll just seek to understand them. We have to focus on meeting their needs, filling their "emotional tank," instead of just looking for what they can do for us. If you do these things, your life will be much richer. You'll resolve conflict quicker. You'll be able to more easily overlook each other's faults and be more forgiving. You'll be content and satisfied in life.And don't worry, God hasn't forgotten about your own needs. Because God is faithful, He will pour out His favor and abundance into your own life even while you are focused on blessing others!
A Prayer for Today
God, thank You for giving me my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and all of the people You have put in my life. Help me to appreciate each one as a unique person with something valuable to teach me and share with me. Help me to learn from them, and make it a priority to do whatever I can to meet their needs. Thank You for Your promise that as I focus on others, I will also be blessed and grow in my relationship with them and with You. In Jesus' Name – Amen.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
its good to be patient..
Lets be calm, and start to listen instead of this one way "radio" conversation to Papa.
St. Rose of Lima
The first canonized saint of the New World has one characteristic of all saints the suffering of opposition and another characteristic which is more for admiration than for imitation excessive practice of mortification.
She was born to parents of Spanish descent in Lima, Peru, at a time when South America was in its first century of evangelization. She seems to have taken Catherine of Siena as a model, in spite of the objections and ridicule of parents and friends.
The saints have so great a love of God that what seems bizarre to us, and is indeed sometimes imprudent, is simply a logical carrying out of a conviction that anything that might endanger a loving relationship with God must be rooted out. So, because her beauty was so often admired, Rose used to rub her face with pepper to produce disfiguring blotches. Later, she wore a thick circlet of silver on her head, studded on the inside, like a crown of thorns.
When her parents fell into financial trouble, she worked in the garden all day and sewed at night. Ten years of struggle against her parents began when they tried to make Rose marry. They refused to let her enter a convent, and out of obedience she continued her life of penance and solitude at home as a member of the Third Order of St. Dominic. So deep was her desire to live the life of Christ that she spent most of her time at home in solitude.
During the last few years of her life, Rose set up a room in the house where she cared for homeless children, the elderly and the sick. This was a beginning of social services in Peru. Though secluded in life and activity, she was brought to the attention of Inquisition interrogators, who could only say that she was influenced by grace.
It is easy to dismiss excessive penances of the saints as the expression of a certain culture or temperament. But a woman wearing a crown of thorns may at least prod our consciences. We enjoy the most comfort-oriented life in human history. We eat too much, drink too much, use a million gadgets, fill our eyes and ears with everything imaginable. Commerce thrives on creating useless needs to spend our money on. It seems that when we have become most like slaves, there is the greatest talk of freedom. Are we willing to discipline ourselves in such an atmosphere?
If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life maimed or crippled than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into fiery Gehenna (Matthew 18:8–9).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ..." (Ephesians 3: 17-18)
Today's Word Are you in a relationship that you feel is over, a relationship that seems "dead?" Jesus would say to you that He has power over death. The love of God will bring life into that relationship and take it to an entirely new level. God's love can bring back to life what may seem dead to you.Maybe you feel that you have a "dead end job," or maybe you think your life is going nowhere and you have no purpose. We want to encourage you today! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead can revitalize your career and put you on a path of success. We know that God's plan for you is good, full of hope and purpose. His love for you will never run out. Your faith—no matter how small—can ignite His power in every one of your situations.
A Prayer for Today
God, today I will be surrounded by Your favor and no weapon formed against me will prosper. You have power over death and I believe that transformative power can bring hope, peace, joy, and fulfillment to my life. In Jesus' Name – Amen.
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
"..he who is kind to the poor, lends to the lord, he will return it many folds.."
I think they who are not able to fully digest his words, has a perspective of those who are flying in a plane. After take off it climbs higher and higher.. when one looks down through the window he sees men and material becoming smaller and smaller. Some men forget the fact that he is one of them who are down there... and the privilege he has to fly high is not to be considered as a an advantage over other men becoming smaller and farther nor a time to look down on others but a chance pa is giving him to see things in a wider perspective and do things wisely to help all, or atleast those possible by him.
Lord have mercy...
Queenship of Mary
Pius XII established this feast in 1954. But Mary's queenship has roots in Scripture. At the Annunciation Gabriel announced that Mary's Son would receive the throne of David and rule forever. At the Visitation, Elizabeth calls Mary mother of my Lord. As in all the mysteries of Mary's life, Mary is closely associated with Jesus: Her queenship is a share in Jesus kingship. We can also recall that in the Old Testament the mother of the king has great influence in court.
In the fourth century St. Ephrem called Mary Lady and Queen and Church Fathers and Doctors continued to use the title. Hymns of the eleventh to thirteenth centuries address Mary as queen: Hail, Holy Queen, Hail, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Heaven. The Dominican rosary and the Franciscan crown as well as numerous invocations in Mary's litany celebrate her queenship.
The feast is a logical follow-up to the Assumption and is now celebrated on the octave day of that feast. In his encyclical To the Queen of Heaven, Pius XII points out that Mary deserves the title because she is Mother of God, because she is closely associated as the New Eve with Jesus redemptive work, because of her preeminent perfection and because of her intercessory power.
As St. Paul suggests in Romans 8:28–30, God has predestined human beings from all eternity to share the image of his Son. All the more was Mary predestined to be the mother of Jesus. As Jesus was to be king of all creation, Mary, in dependence on Jesus, was to be queen. All other titles to queenship derive from this eternal intention of God. As Jesus exercised his kingship on earth by serving his Father and his fellow human beings, so did Mary exercise her queenship. As the glorified Jesus remains with us as our king till the end of time (Matthew 28:20), so does Mary, who was assumed into heaven and crowned queen of heaven and earth.
Let the entire body of the faithful pour forth persevering prayer to the Mother of God and Mother of men. Let them implore that she who aided the beginnings of the Church by her prayers may now, exalted as she is in heaven above all the saints and angels, intercede with her Son in the fellowship of all the saints. May she do so until all the peoples of the human family, whether they are honored with the name of Christian or whether they still do not know their Savior, are happily gathered together in peace and harmony into the one People of God, for the glory of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, 69).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"I have come that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full, until it overflows." (John 10:10)
Today's Word Imagine what you would do if someone told you that there was a special gift waiting for you at the top of the stairs and all you had to do is walk up a few steps and you could have it. It would not take you very long to get up those steps, would it?At the top of those stairs are all of God's promises and plans for your life. All you have to do is walk up the stairs and you can possess all that He has in store for you. But you have to do your part. You have to take the steps necessary in order to take hold of the promises that are waiting for you. God wants us to slow down, be ourselves, lighten up and laugh more, stay positive (no matter what happens), refuse to worry and live to give. As you step out in faith, God will move on your behalf and you will begin to experience that abundant overflowing joy!
A Prayer for Today
God, Today I step toward the joy you offer me. I will live a life that glorifies You and begin to see myself as You see me—full of potential with a divine destiny! In Jesus' Name – Amen.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Pope Pius X is perhaps best remembered for his encouragement of the frequent reception of Holy Communion, especially by children.
The second of 10 children in a poor Italian family, Joseph Sarto became Pius X at 68, one of the twentieth century's greatest popes.
Ever mindful of his humble origin, he stated, I was born poor, I lived poor, I will die poor. He was embarrassed by some of the pomp of the papal court. Look how they have dressed me up, he said in tears to an old friend. To another, It is a penance to be forced to accept all these practices. They lead me around surrounded by soldiers like Jesus when he was seized in Gethsemani.
Interested in politics, he encouraged Italian Catholics to become more politically involved. One of his first papal acts was to end the supposed right of governments to interfere by veto in papal elections a practice that reduced the freedom of the conclave which elected him.
In 1905, when France renounced its agreement with the Holy See and threatened confiscation of Church property if governmental control of Church affairs were not granted, Pius X courageously rejected the demand.
While he did not author a famous social encyclical as his predecessor had done, he denounced the ill treatment of the Indians on the plantations of Peru, sent a relief commission to Messina after an earthquake and sheltered refugees at his own expense.
On the eleventh anniversary of his election as pope, Europe was plunged into World War I. Pius had foreseen it, but it killed him. This is the last affliction the Lord will visit on me. I would gladly give my life to save my poor children from this ghastly scourge. He died a few weeks after the war began.
His humble background was no obstacle in relating to a personal God and to people whom he loved genuinely. He gained his strength, his gentleness and warmth for people from the source of all gifts, the Spirit of Jesus. In contrast, we often feel embarrassed by our backgrounds. Shame makes us prefer to remain aloof from people whom we perceive as superior. If we are in a superior position, on the other hand, we often ignore simpler people. Yet we, too, have to help restore all things in Christ, especially the wounded people of God.
Describing Pius X, a historian wrote that he was a man of God who knew the unhappiness of the world and the hardships of life, and in the greatness of his heart wanted to comfort everyone.
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"Two blind men were sitting beside the road, and when they heard that Jesus was coming that way, they began shouting, "Sir, King David's Son, have mercy on us!"(Matthew 20:30)
Today's Word Few people paid attention to those blind men sitting by the side of the road that day when Jesus passed by. No one gave them much of a chance—but Jesus did! Christ has such great compassion and mercy and it's important to remember He still has it today. Too many times people see obstacles, not destinations, and that keeps them from taking a chance and believing in this great mercy of God. When you have the faith and obedience to step out and trust Him, like those blind men did, then you open yourself up for His love and compassion. He rewards those who trust in Him. When you step out in faith, He will open doors for you and make your path straight.
A Prayer for Today
God, thank You for Your great mercy and grace. With Your help, I want to step out and act on my faith, so that I may see Your great works! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
thankyou, god bless
Monday, 20 August 2007
Man of the century! Woman of the century! You see such terms applied to so many today golfer of the century, composer of the century, right tackle of the century that the line no longer has any punch. But the man of the twelfth century, without doubt or controversy, has to be Bernard of Clairvaux. Adviser of popes, preacher of the Second Crusade, defender of the faith, healer of a schism, reformer of a monastic Order, Scripture scholar, theologian and eloquent preacher: any one of these titles would distinguish an ordinary man. Yet Bernard was all of these and he still retained a burning desire to return to the hidden monastic life of his younger days.
In the year 1111, at the age of 20, Bernard left his home to join the monastic community of Citeaux. His five brothers, two uncles and some 30 young friends followed him into the monastery. Within four years a dying community had recovered enough vitality to establish a new house in the nearby valley of Wormwoods, with Bernard as abbot. The zealous young man was quite demanding, though more on himself than others. A slight breakdown of health taught him to be more patient and understanding. The valley was soon renamed Clairvaux, the valley of light.
His ability as arbitrator and counselor became widely known. More and more he was lured away from the monastery to settle long-standing disputes. On several of these occasions he apparently stepped on some sensitive toes in Rome. Bernard was completely dedicated to the primacy of the Roman See. But to a letter of warning from Rome he replied that the good fathers in Rome had enough to do to keep the Church in one piece. If any matters arose that warranted their interest, he would be the first to let them know.
Shortly thereafter it was Bernard who intervened in a full-blown schism and settled it in favor of the Roman pontiff against the antipope.
The Holy See prevailed on Bernard to preach the Second Crusade throughout Europe. His eloquence was so overwhelming that a great army was assembled and the success of the crusade seemed assured. The ideals of the men and their leaders, however, were not those of Abbot Bernard, and the project ended as a complete military and moral disaster.
Bernard felt responsible in some way for the degenerative effects of the crusade. This heavy burden possibly hastened his death, which came August 20, 1153.
Bernard's life in the Church was more active than we can imagine possible today. His efforts produced far-reaching results. But he knew that they would have availed little without the many hours of prayer and contemplation that brought him strength and heavenly direction. His life was characterized by a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother. His sermons and books about Mary are still the standard of Marian theology.
In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart. And that you may more surely obtain the assistance of her prayer, neglect not to walk in her footsteps. With her for guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as she is in your mind, you are safe from deception; while she holds your hand, you cannot fall; under her protection you have nothing to fear; if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary; if she shows you favor, you shall reach the goal (St. Bernard).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
Today's Scripture
"Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you." (Proverbs 4:25)
Today's Word In order to fulfill your divine destiny, you have to know your purpose. You need a plan and then you must work within that plan. You should wake up each day knowing where you're going, which direction you will take to get there and what you want to accomplish. Once you find your purpose, stick with it! Don't allow the distractions of life to get you off course. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing moving me toward my God-given destiny? Am I staying focused? Is this my purpose or am I just wasting my time being busy?" Don't be distracted and spend your time and energy on things that may be interesting, but are not helping you fulfill your destiny. Remember, God's plans are blessed and as you walk in His plan for your life, you will experience His abundant blessing on everything you set your hand to!
A Prayer for Today
God, Your Word promises that You will guide me if I seek You. Show me how to order my time and arrange my schedule to accomplish Your will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Friday, 10 August 2007
St. Lawrence
(d. 258?)
The esteem in which the Church holds Lawrence is seen in the fact that today's celebration ranks as a feast. We know very little about his life. He is one of those whose martyrdom made a deep and lasting impression on the early Church. Celebration of his feast day spread rapidly.
He was a Roman deacon under Pope St. Sixtus II. Four days after this pope was put to death, Lawrence and four clerics suffered martyrdom, probably during the persecution of the Emperor Valerian.
A well-known legend has persisted from earliest times. As deacon in Rome, Lawrence was charged with the responsibility for the material goods of the Church, and the distribution of alms to the poor. When Lawrence knew he would be arrested like the pope, he sought out the poor, widows and orphans of Rome and gave them all the money he had on hand, selling even the sacred vessels to increase the sum. When the prefect of Rome heard of this, he imagined that the Christians must have considerable treasure. He sent for Lawrence and said, You Christians say we are cruel to you, but that is not what I have in mind. I am told that your priests offer in gold, that the sacred blood is received in silver cups, that you have golden candlesticks at your evening services. Now, your doctrine says you must render to Caesar what is his. Bring these treasures the emperor needs them to maintain his forces. God does not cause money to be counted: He brought none of it into the world with him only words. Give me the money, therefore, and be rich in words.
Lawrence replied that the Church was indeed rich. I will show you a valuable part. But give me time to set everything in order and make an inventory. After three days he gathered a great number of blind, lame, maimed, leprous, orphaned and widowed persons and put them in rows. When the prefect arrived, Lawrence simply said, These are the treasure of the Church.
The prefect was so angry he told Lawrence that he would indeed have his wish to die but it would be by inches. He had a great gridiron prepared, with coals beneath it, and had Lawrence's body placed on it. After the martyr had suffered the pain for a long time, the legend concludes, he made his famous cheerful remark, It is well done. Turn it over and eat it!
The church built over Lawrence's tomb became one of the seven principal churches in Rome and a favorite place for Roman pilgrimages.
Once again we have a saint about whom almost nothing is known, yet one who has received extraordinary honor in the Church since the fourth century. Almost nothing yet the greatest fact of his life is certain: He died for Christ. We who are hungry for details about the lives of the saints are again reminded that their holiness was, after all, a total response to Christ, expressed perfectly by a death like this.
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
Apparitions of Our Lady - Rosa Mystica - at Montichiari-Fontanelle
( a copy of report, before Pope John Paul demise )
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul on Wednesday accepted the resignation in unusually fast time of an American bishop [Thomas O´Brien, Phoenix, Arizona], who was arrested on hit-and-run charges and is embroiled in a child abuse scandal.
This is precisely the hierarchical disorder for which our Heavenly Mother, manifesting Herself as Rosa Mystica, came to help prevent. As usual - She was ignored. As usual, the price to be paid will continue to increase.
Please, read on and see what little She asked for, and yet, it was not done.
Introduction of Booklet by: Franz Sepeckbacher, Author of Booklet
Dear Readers, Our dear Mother of God has been appearing in Montichiari-Fontanelle (Italy) since 1947, at a time when Faith is diminishing more and more, and sins are on the increase at a most alarming speed.
If you ever visited one of the great places of pilgrimage, you will no doubt have returned from it firmly convinced that you visited a place where Heaven touches Earth. The many obvious favours received in answer to one’s prayers are an indirect proof that the apparitions and revelations are genuine.
Perach, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, Mary the Mother of God, December 8, 1983.
Apparitions of Our Lady at Montichiari
In the little town of Montichiari, not far from the picturesque Lake Garda, which sit surrounded by mountains live 14,000 people. The town is situated at the edge of these clear mountains from which it drives its name, and close to the City of Brescia in the province of Lombardy, Northern Italy. It is from this podium that our Heavenly Mother requested on December 8, 1947, that H.H. Pius XII be notified of Her request that an Hour of Grace be observed every December 8th henceforth.
In the Spring of 1947, whilst praying in the chapel of the local hospital in Montichiari, nurse Pierina Gilli had an unforgettable experience. Mary, the Mother of God, appeared to her in a wonderful vision and magnificent light, as the exalted Lady, dressed in mauve, very sad and with tears in Her eyes. Pierina noticed that Her heart was pierced by three swords; The first sword means: the unworthy celebration of Holy Mass and Communion unworthly received; the meaning of the second sword is: being unfaithful to, and giving up, the vocation as a priest or a religious; and the third sword means: betrayal of the Faith. Our Lady asked for Prayer, Sacrifice, and Penance. These were Her only words.
Second Apparition on 13th July, 1947
Our Lady appeared to Pieina in a white dress. She was adorned with three beautiful roses:white, red and yellow, which Pierina was allowed to see in place of the three swords. The white rose represented the spirit of prayer, the red one represented the spirit of sacrifice, and the yellow rose the spirit of penance and conversion. Pierina had not yet recognized the Mother of God, and she asked the apparition therefore: Please tell me, who are you?. In reply to this question She smiled and said: I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you. Our Lord sends me to bring a new Marian Devotion to all religious orders and institutes, male and female, and to the priests of this world. I promise to protect those religious orders and institutes who will venerate me in this special way, increase their vocations, and achieve a greater striving for saintliness among the servants of God.
I wish that the 13th of each month be celebrated as a Marian Day. Special prayers are to be said during the proceeding twelve days. With an expression of great joy, She continued: On this day I shall pour out vocational holiness and abundant graces on those religious orders and spiritual institutes who have honoured me especially.
I wish that the 13th July be celebrated each year in honour of the Rosa Mystica (the Mystical Rose)
Pierina asked whether a miracle would follow. Our Lady replied: The most evident miracle will be this: Those who have given their souls to God - the religious who, for a long time now, have become indifferent thus betraying their vocation and as a result of their offenses have brought about the punishments and persecutions which are raging against the Church at the present time - will stop to offend Our Lord. They will again lead a life according to the original spirit of their saintly founders. The seer, Pierina, interpreted the words Mystical Rose as follows: "Mary is the master teacher of the innermost, mystical life and the Mother of the mystical body of Christ; in other words: She is the Mother of the Church."
This interpretation by Pierina was magnificently confirmed by Pope Paul VI in his final speech during the third meeting of the council, on 21st November, l964. Irrespective of the presence of observers from the separated Churches, he declared Mary as the Mother of the Church; finally, he let his heart speak out and said: We want that, in the future, the Most Blessed Virgin is still more honoured under this title, and called by this lovely title by the christian people. This short, yet spiritually deep declaration, by the supreme office of our Church guarantees that we cannot go wrong, but can only feel once more re-assured when we venerate Mary calling Her by the title ROSA MYSTICA.
Third Apparition on 22nd October, 1947
Pierina saw Our Lady again in the chapel of the hospital, in the presence of many staff members, doctors, and people from the town. This time, Our Lady requested that the desired devotion be realized, and said: I have placed myself as the mediatrix between my Divine son and mankind, especially for the soul consecrated to God. Tired of the continuous offenses, He already wanted to dispense His justice.
Pierina thanked Our Lady in the name of all present. Our Lady finished Her dialogue with the words; Live out of love!
Fourth Apparition on 16th November, 1947
Our Lady appeared in the Basilica of Montichiari in the presence of some people. Among them were several priests. Pierina heard the words: Our Lord can no longer watch the many grievous sins against purity. He wants to send a flood of punishments. I have interceded that He may be merciful once more! Therefore, I ask for prayer and penance to atone for these sins. Pierina replied to Our Lady’s request with a willing "Yes". The Blessed Virgin added: I lovingly ask the priest to express their great love and stop the people from committing those sins. Whoever will atone for those sins, will receive my blessing and graces. In reply the seer’s question whether we may hope for forgiveness, Our Lady said: Yes, as long as these sins are no longer committed. With these words She went away.
Fifth Apparition on 22nd November, 1947
Our Lady appeared once more to Pierina in the Basilica of Montichiari in the presence of several people, and demanded that the seer make four times the Sign of the Cross with her tongue on the tiles in the center of the church. Our Lady then descended onto the spot and said: I descend on this place, for many great conversions will happen here. And in a sad voice She continued: The Christians of your Italian nation belong to those who offend most my Divine Son Jesus through their sins of unchastity. Our Lord demands, therefore, PRAYER, GENEROUS SACRIFICES, AND PENANCE.
Pierina asked: "What do we have to do to fulfill your demands for prayer and penance?" Our Lady replied full of tenderness: Prayer. After a short, silent pause, She explained: Penance means to accept every day all the little crosses and the duties too, in the spirit of penance.
Thereupon She promised solemnly: On the 8th December, at noon, I shall appear again here in the Basilica. IT WILL BE THE HOUR OF GRACE.
Pierina asked: "Please explain to me the meaning of Hour of Grace".
This Hour of Grace will produce great and numerous conversions. Hardened and cold hearts resembling this marble will be touched by divine Grace, and they will become faithful to Our Lord in loyal love.
This was the only time that Our Lady announced Her next appearance. All other apparitions came unannounced.
Sixth Apparition on 7th December, 1947
Our Blessed Virgin appeared once more at the Basilica of Montichiari Three people were present including the father confessor of the seer. Our Lady, the Mystical Rose, wore a white cloak which was held by a boy at the right-hand side, and by a girl on the left-hand side.
Our Lady said: I shall show my heart tomorrow of which the people know so little. In Fatima I asked that the devotion to my heart be spread. And with an ever sweeter voice She went on: I wanted to bring my heart into Christian families in Bonate: (near Bergamo, Italy) and after a brief pause She added: Here, in Montichiari, I wish to be venerated as the
ROSA MYSTICA as already indicated so often, together with the devotion to my heart which must be specially practiced in religious institutes so that they may obtain more graces through my motherly heart.
Our Lady then confided a secret to Pierina with the promise that She would tell her the time for the secret to be made public. Pierina also wanted to know who the children were. Our Lady replied: Jacinta and Francisco; they will help you in your trials and suffering. They too, suffered. I wish from you the simplicity and goodness of these two children.
Our Lady then spread out Her arms as a sign of Her protection, lifted Her eyes to Heaven and disappeared with the words: Praised be the Lord!
Seventh Apparition on 8th December, 1947.
On this great feast countless priest were present. It was only with a great deal of effort that Pierina was able to get into the Basilica. She knelt in the center of the church, just where the other apparitions had taken place. During the recitation of the Holy Rosary, Pierina called out: "O, Our Lady!"
Great silence ensued! Our Lady appeared on a large white staircase, decorated with a white, red and yellow rose. She said with a smile: I am the Immaculate Conception. And descending several steps with great majesty She continued: I am Mary, full of grace, Mother of My Divine Son Jesus Christ. Descending even more, She said: Through my coming to Montichiari, I which to be known as the ROSA MYSTICA
It is my wish that every year, on 8th December, at noon, the
HOUR OF GRACE FOR THE WORLD be celebrated . Many divine and bodily graces will be received through this devotion.
Our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, will send His overflowing mercy if good people will pray continuously for their sinful brother.
One should very soon notify the Holy Father of the Church, Pope Pius XII, that it is my wish that the HOUR OF GRACE FOR THE WORLD be made known and spread throughout the world. If anyone is unable to visit his church, yet will pray at noon at home, he will also receive graces through me. Whoever prays on these tiles and weeps tears of penance, will find a secure heavenly ladder and receive protection and grace through my motherly heart.
Then Our Lady showed Pierina her heart and said: Look at this heart which loves mankind so very much, but most people only shower offenses upon it. If the good and the bad unite in prayer they will obtain mercy and peace through this heart. The Lord is still protection the good and is holding back a great punishment because of my intercession. Our Lady smiled again and went on: Soon one will recognize the greatness of this Hour of Grace.
When Pierina saw that Our Lady was going to depart, she said: "Dear Lady, I thank you! Bless my homeland Italy and the whole world, but especially the Holy Father, the priest, the religious, and the sinners."
Our Lady replied: I have already prepared a flood of graces for all the children who listen to my words and keep them in their hearts. She assured Pierina that she would return at a suitable time when the Secret entrusted to her, would be made public through the Ecclesiastical authority. Our Lady then said ‘good-bye’. Pierina withdrew to a convent where, hidden from the world, she served in the kitchen and where she waited in silence for the hour which, as promised, came after 19 years, on White Sunday (Sunday after Easter), 17th April, 1966, in Fontanelle, a settlement of only a few houses spread around and situated about 2-3 km outside Montichiari. Our Blessed Lady kept her promise.
First Apparition: White Sunday, 17th April, 1966.
The Most Blessed Virgin said:
My Divine Son is total love, and he is sending me to give miraculous powers to this spring. As a sign of penance and purification kiss the top step. Steps made of stone led down from the path to the spring.
Then descend a few steps and kiss the stone again. Our Lady followed the seer. Now, for a third time, kiss the bottom step and have a crucifix placed there. With Her left hand Our Lady indicated the spot. The sick and all my children must kiss the crucifix and ask my Divine Son for forgiveness before they take the water, or drink from it.
Our Lady approached the spring and said: Take mud into your hands. Wash yourself with water! This is to teach the sinners that sin makes the soul dirty, yet the soul will be cleansed again through the water of grace. Thus, the sinner will once more be pleasing to God. What a clear symbol of the sacramental grace of God!
Our Lady bowed down and touched the water of the spring in two places. She added the following words: The wishes expressed by my Son Jesus in 1947, are to made known to all my children. Then I gave you His messages and mine in the Basilica (Montichiari). It is my wish, and I repeat: the sick should come to this miraculous spring and many of my children should come with them.
Second Apparition: 13th May, 1966.
On 13th May, Our Lady’s anniversary of Her apparition at Fatima, Our Lady brought great joy to Pierina when She appeared once again at the spring, in the presence of about 20 people.
It was 11:40 a.m. Our Lady said amongst other things:
One should make known my appearance at this spring. My Divine Son is all love. The world is walking the road to perdition. Once again I have been able to obtain mercy, and Jesus has sent me, therefore, again to Montichiari to bring you the grace of His love... It requires PRAYER, SACRIFICE AND PENANCE in order to save mankind.
Our Lady, pointing to the water at Her right-hand side which She had touched on 17th April, 1966, said: It is my wish that a comfortable basin is built here, in order to immerse the sick in the water... The other part of the spring (She pointed to Her left-hand side) is to be used for drinking.
Pierina wanted to know from the Blessed Virgin what to call the spring. Thereupon Our Lady replied: THE SPRING OF GRACE
And in reply to a further question: "What is your name?", Peirina was told:
At these words, the Mother of God spread out Her arms, spread open Her wide cloak, and said with a smile: I have come to bring love, unity and peace to the souls of my children. I ask you, do not throw any mud on the love for your fellow-man.
The seer questioned the meaning of the wide cloak. Our lady answered: This is the meaning of my love which embraces the whole of mankind.
Pierina asked: "What would you like us to do here at Fontanelle? Our Lady replied: Do acts of charity for the sick who will come here.
Third Apparition: The Feast of Corpus Christi, 9th June, 1966
About 100 people were present at the spring on this Day of Obligation. Pierina came to the Shrine after 3 p.m. and asked all those present to recite the Holy Rosary. Suddenly, in the middle of the recitation, Pierina called out: "Look up to the sky!" This time, Our Lady appeared five to six metres above the spring over a wheat field. Those present noticed that, in the direction of the seer’s eyes, Our Lady seemed to touch the ears of the wheat with Her feet. Our Lady said: My Divine Son Jesus Christ has sent me here today, on the Feast of the Body of Our Lord, on the Feast of Unity and Love. Spreading out Her hand She continued: I should like very much that this wheat be transformed into the Eucharistic bread, into countless penitential communions.. Majestically, lifting Her eyes to Heaven, Our Lady went on: It is my wish that the Hosts made of this wheat, be taken to Rome, and to Fatima for the 13th October.
Pierina asked: "Should all this wheat be used for it?"
Our Lady replied: May noble hearts fulfill my wish. I wish that a chapel be built here with a statue facing the spring.
Pierina said: "Dear Blessed Virgin, I do not understand."
Our Lady showed her an image and said: The statue is to be carried here in a procession on 13th October, but prior to it, it is my wish that the people of Montichiari consecrate themselves to my heart. Montichiari is the place which my Divine Son has chosen for me to distribute His graces.
Pierina saw that Our Lady was going to leave, so she asked Her to stay a little longer. Our Lady lingered, and Pierina was allowed to commend several petitions and to request Our Lady’s blessing for the priests, the faithful, and the sick.
Fourth Apparition: The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, 6th August, 1966
Pierina came to the spring at about 2:30 p.m. About 200 people had gathered there. At 3p.m. the seer asked all to recite the Holy Rosary. During the fourth mystery she stopped, and called out: "Our Lady is here." Everyone was silent, and they all listened with emotion to the dialogue with Heaven.
The Mother of God said: My Divine Son Jesus has sent me again, in order to request the
WORLD LEAGUE OF PENITENTIAL COMMUNION and this is to be done on 13th October. This Day of Penitential Communion should be spread throughout the world. It is to be held first in 1966, and them to be repeated every year. Those priests and faithful who will spread this devotion, will be given the wealth of my graces.
Pierina inquired again about the wheat. Our Lady instructed her: One should take this wheat to my beloved Son Pope Paul VI with the instruction that it has been blessed by Our Presence. It is the wheat of his homeland, of Brescia, of Montichiari. Tell him the wishes of my Divine Son... also those concerning Fatima.
Pierina wanted to know what to do with the remaining wheat.
Our Lady answered: Have small bread rolls baked of the remaining wheat. These rolls are to be distributed here at Fontanelle on certain days in memory of my coming. This is to be the sign of gratitude of my sons, who till the soil. After my ascension into Heaven I have always acted as Mediatrix between my Son Jesus and the whole of mankind. How many graces I have been able to obtain in all these centuries! How may graces were shown. How much punishment was prevented. How many dialogues did I hold with souls. How often have I visited earth to bring my messages to the people, but people continue to offend Our Lord. I have chosen this place of Montichiari because there is still the humility of poor Bethlehem among my sons who till the soil. Furthermore, this place, where so many prayers are said continuously, will be transformed into a source of rich blessings.
After these revelations of Our Lady, Pierina withdrew once more into a life of peaceful retirement. In addition, the bishop ordered her to remain absolutely silent. Pierina obeyed the bishop’s order.
The things that are forbidden are very tempting, and very soon the message of the apparition of Our Lady spread around the world drawing floods of pilgrims to Montichiari.
Let us show our gratitude and love towards Mama Mary.
Lots of love and prayers.
Monday, 6 August 2007
All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-9; Luke 9:28-36). With remarkable agreement, all three place the event shortly after Peter's confession of faith that Jesus is the Messiah and Jesus first prediction of his passion and death. Peter's eagerness to erect tents or booths on the spot suggests it occurred during the Jewish weeklong, fall Feast of Booths.
In spite of the texts agreement, it is difficult to reconstruct the disciples experience, according to Scripture scholars, because the Gospels draw heavily on Old Testament descriptions of the Sinai encounter with God and prophetic visions of the Son of Man. Certainly Peter, James and John had a glimpse of Jesus divinity strong enough to strike fear into their hearts. Such an experience defies description, so they drew on familiar religious language to describe it. And certainly Jesus warned them that his glory and his suffering were to be inextricably connected a theme John highlights throughout his Gospel.
Tradition names Mt. Tabor as the site of the revelation. A church first raised there in the fourth century was dedicated on August 6. A feast in honor of the Transfiguration was celebrated in the Eastern Church from about that time. Western observance began in some localities about the eighth century.
On July 22, 1456, Crusaders defeated the Turks at Belgrade. News of the victory reached Rome on August 6, and Pope Callistus III placed the feast on the Roman calendar the following year.
One of the Transfiguration accounts is read on the second Sunday of Lent each year, proclaiming Christ's divinity to catechumens and baptized alike. The Gospel for the first Sunday of Lent, by contrast, is the story of the temptation in the desert affirmation of Jesus humanity. The two distinct but inseparable natures of the Lord were a subject of much theological argument at the beginning of the Church's history; it remains hard for believers to grasp.
At his Transfiguration Christ showed his disciples the splendor of his beauty, to which he will shape and color those who are his: He will reform our lowness configured to the body of his glory (Philippians 3:21) (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"The Lord will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on Him." (Isaiah 26:3)
Today's Word, Your thoughts determine your destiny. You can't make a decision, or take a step, without first thinking about it–and it changes the course of your life. That's why it's so important to keep your thoughts on God's Word, and seek His plan for your life. Proverbs 23:7 says "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." You can't think negative thoughts and expect a positive outcome. If you constantly dwell on God's Word that says, "You are an overcomer," and "You can do all things through Christ," then soon, you will become what the scripture says and your life will be on God's path to victory.Next time the enemy brings negative thoughts to you, use it as an opportunity to give praise to the Lord! God is faithful to His Word and He will always be faithful to you. As you continue to seek Him, He will complete the work He's begun in your life. As you keep your thoughts on God, you will discover the champion in you!
A Prayer for Today.
God, I will sing Your praises today and keep my thoughts stayed on You. I am an overcomer, a champion, a victor! No negative thought will enter my head today that isn't banished by me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Thank you, God bless.Lots of love and prayers.
Saturday, 4 August 2007
A man with vision overcomes obstacles and performs deeds that seem impossible. John Vianney was a man with vision: He wanted to become a priest. But he had to overcome his meager formal schooling, which inadequately prepared him for seminary studies.
His failure to comprehend Latin lectures forced him to discontinue. But his vision of being a priest urged him to seek private tutoring. After a lengthy battle with the books, John was ordained.
Situations calling for impossible deeds followed him everywhere. As pastor of the parish at Ars, John encountered people who were indifferent and quite comfortable with their style of living. His vision led him through severe fasts and short nights of sleep. (Some devils can only be cast out by prayer and fasting.)
With Catherine Lassagne and Benedicta Lardet, he established La Providence, a home for girls. Only a man of vision could have such trust that God would provide for the spiritual and material needs of all those who came to make La Providence their home.
His work as a confessor is John Vianney's most remarkable accomplishment. In the winter months he was to spend 11 to 12 hours daily reconciling people with God. In the summer months this time was increased to 16 hours. Unless a man was dedicated to his vision of a priestly vocation, he could not have endured this giving of self day after day.
Many people look forward to retirement and taking it easy, doing the things they always wanted to do but never had the time. But John Vianney had no thoughts of retirement. As his fame spread, more hours were consumed in serving God's people. Even the few hours he would allow himself for sleep were disturbed frequently by the devil.
Who, but a man with vision, could keep going with ever-increasing strength?
Indifference toward religion, coupled with a love for material comfort, seem to be common signs of our times. A person from another planet observing us would not likely judge us to be pilgrim people, on our way to somewhere else. John Vianney, on the other hand, was a man on a journey with his goal before him at all times.
Recommending liturgical prayer, John Vianney would say, Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there: If you set it on fire it makes a lot of little flames. But gather these straws into a bundle and light them, and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that.
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
Thank you, God bless.
Lots of love and prayers.
Friday, 3 August 2007
Born in La Mure d'Isère in southeastern France, Peter Julian's faith journey drew him from being a priest in the Diocese of Grenoble (1834) to joining the Marists (1839) to founding the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (1856).
In addition to those changes, Peter Julian coped with poverty, his father's initial opposition to Peter's vocation, serious illness, a Jansenistic striving for inner perfection and the difficulties of getting diocesan and later papal approval for his new religious community.
His years as a Marist, including service as a provincial leader, saw the deepening of his eucharistic devotion, especially through his preaching of Forty Hours in many parishes.
Inspired at first by the idea of reparation for indifference to the Eucharist, Peter Julian was eventually attracted to a more positive spirituality of Christ-centered love. Members of the men's community, which Peter founded, alternated between an active apostolic life and contemplating Jesus in the Eucharist. He and Marguerite Guillot founded the women's Congregation of the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament.
Peter Julian Eymard was beatified in 1925 and canonized in 1962, one day after Vatican II's first session ended.
In every century, sin has been painfully real in the life of the Church. It is easy to give in to despair, to speak so strongly of human failings that people may forget the immense and self-sacrificing love of Jesus, as his death on the cross and his gift of the Eucharist make evident. Peter Julian knew that the Eucharist was key to helping Catholics live out their Baptism and preach by word and example the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Eucharist is the life of the people. The Eucharist gives them a center of life. All can come together without the barriers of race or language in order to celebrate the feast days of the Church. It gives them a law of life, that of charity, of which it is the source; thus it forges between them a common bond, a Christian kinship (Peter Julian Eymard).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Da
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"Do not cast away your confidence for it will be richly rewarded." (Hebrews 10:35)
Today's WordGod is constantly trying to plant new seeds of victory inside of you! He's trying to increase you and enlarge your vision. He wants to take you to new levels of victory. But in order for this to happen, the seed has to take root in your heart. Before you're ever going to be successful, you've got to see yourself being successful. Before your dreams come to pass, you've got to look through your eyes of faith and see them come to pass.The enemy doesn't want you to grow and increase, or fulfill your destiny, so he immediately tries to distract your heart and uproot the seed God planted. In order to defeat the enemy in your life, you have to stay focused on God, His Word–and the dream He's promised to you! Constantly meditate on His promises, and thank the Lord for His faithfulness no matter what the circumstances look like. Before long, you'll begin to see the dreams God placed in your heart come to pass.
A Prayer for Today
God, You see me as a victor and a champion. I will remember this and keep my eyes stayed on You as I go about my day. What I achieve on my own is nothing compared to the plans You have in store for my life. I am confident in Your love and in Your vision. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Thank you, God bless.
Lots of love and prayers.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Someone has said that if there had been no Arian heresy it would be very difficult to write the lives of many early saints. Eusebius is another of the defenders of the Church during one of its most trying periods.
Born on the isle of Sardinia, he became a member of the Roman clergy and is the first recorded bishop of Vercelli in Piedmont. He is also the first to link the monastic life with that of the clergy, establishing a community of his diocesan clergy on the principle that the best way to sanctify his people was to have them see a clergy formed in solid virtue and living in community.
He was sent by Pope Liberius to persuade the emperor to call a council to settle Catholic-Arian troubles. When it was called at Milan, Eusebius went reluctantly, sensing that the Arian block would have its way, although the Catholics were more numerous. He refused to go along with the condemnation of Athanasius; instead, he laid the Nicene Creed on the table and insisted that all sign it before taking up any other matter. The emperor put pressure on him, but Eusebius insisted on Athanasius innocence and reminded the emperor that secular force should not be used to influence Church decisions. At first the emperor threatened to kill him, but later sent him into exile in Palestine. There the Arians dragged him through the streets and shut him up in a little room, releasing him only after his four-day hunger strike. They resumed their harassment shortly after.
His exile continued in Asia Minor and Egypt, until the new emperor permitted him to be welcomed back to his see in Vercelli. He attended the Council of Alexandria with Athanasius and approved the leniency shown to bishops who had wavered. He also worked with St. Hilary of Poitiers against the Arians.
He died peacefully in his own diocese at an advanced age.
Catholics in the U.S. have sometimes felt penalized by an unwarranted interpretation of the principle of separation of Church and state, especially in the matter of Catholic schools. Be that as it may, the Church is happily free today from the tremendous pressure put on it after it became an established Church under Constantine. We are happily rid of such things as a pope asking an emperor to call a Church council, Pope John I being sent by the emperor to negotiate in the East, the pressure of kings on papal elections. The Church cannot be a prophet if it's in anybody's pocket.
"To render the care of souls more efficacious, community life for priests is strongly recommended, especially for those attached to the same parish. While this way of living encourages apostolic action, it also affords an example of charity and unity to the faithful" (Decree on the Bishops' Pastoral Office, 30).
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed."(Luke 10:41-42)
Today's Word Ephesians 5:16 says to make the most out of every opportunity to do good. It's difficult to believe that someone is making the most of their opportunities for good when they don't even see the opportunities. Today, why not take a few minutes to see where you are in terms of how you're spending your time. Are you making the most of every opportunity God gives you to do good for someone? Do you recognize those opportunities? Many Christians today make the same mistake as Martha did in Luke 10, and concern themselves with tasks instead of sitting at the feet of Jesus. Sit at the feet of Jesus today, and make sure you aren't too busy to share His Word with others.
A Prayer for Today
God, help me not to worry about mundane things, but to be consumed by You. May I have boldness as I share Your Word with others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thank you, God bless.
Lots of love and prayers.