Pope Pius X is perhaps best remembered for his encouragement of the frequent reception of Holy Communion, especially by children.
The second of 10 children in a poor Italian family, Joseph Sarto became Pius X at 68, one of the twentieth century's greatest popes.
Ever mindful of his humble origin, he stated, I was born poor, I lived poor, I will die poor. He was embarrassed by some of the pomp of the papal court. Look how they have dressed me up, he said in tears to an old friend. To another, It is a penance to be forced to accept all these practices. They lead me around surrounded by soldiers like Jesus when he was seized in Gethsemani.
Interested in politics, he encouraged Italian Catholics to become more politically involved. One of his first papal acts was to end the supposed right of governments to interfere by veto in papal elections a practice that reduced the freedom of the conclave which elected him.
In 1905, when France renounced its agreement with the Holy See and threatened confiscation of Church property if governmental control of Church affairs were not granted, Pius X courageously rejected the demand.
While he did not author a famous social encyclical as his predecessor had done, he denounced the ill treatment of the Indians on the plantations of Peru, sent a relief commission to Messina after an earthquake and sheltered refugees at his own expense.
On the eleventh anniversary of his election as pope, Europe was plunged into World War I. Pius had foreseen it, but it killed him. This is the last affliction the Lord will visit on me. I would gladly give my life to save my poor children from this ghastly scourge. He died a few weeks after the war began.
His humble background was no obstacle in relating to a personal God and to people whom he loved genuinely. He gained his strength, his gentleness and warmth for people from the source of all gifts, the Spirit of Jesus. In contrast, we often feel embarrassed by our backgrounds. Shame makes us prefer to remain aloof from people whom we perceive as superior. If we are in a superior position, on the other hand, we often ignore simpler people. Yet we, too, have to help restore all things in Christ, especially the wounded people of God.
Describing Pius X, a historian wrote that he was a man of God who knew the unhappiness of the world and the hardships of life, and in the greatness of his heart wanted to comfort everyone.
(This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.)
*the above mentioned are added to this post from the mails recieved from - "AmericanCatholic. org" goodnews@americancatholic.org
A good friend of mine, shreedhar (http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4285683754807292048), used to pen me daily with the word of god for that day, at times from the reading of that day or otherwise. And what I used to like so much is the prayer and thought that he is used to add. With his permission I have added it below, so will do everyday possible.
Today's Scripture
"Two blind men were sitting beside the road, and when they heard that Jesus was coming that way, they began shouting, "Sir, King David's Son, have mercy on us!"(Matthew 20:30)
Today's Word Few people paid attention to those blind men sitting by the side of the road that day when Jesus passed by. No one gave them much of a chance—but Jesus did! Christ has such great compassion and mercy and it's important to remember He still has it today. Too many times people see obstacles, not destinations, and that keeps them from taking a chance and believing in this great mercy of God. When you have the faith and obedience to step out and trust Him, like those blind men did, then you open yourself up for His love and compassion. He rewards those who trust in Him. When you step out in faith, He will open doors for you and make your path straight.
A Prayer for Today
God, thank You for Your great mercy and grace. With Your help, I want to step out and act on my faith, so that I may see Your great works! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
thankyou, god bless
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